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HomeFallSong 2023

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Fall Song Festival October 20-22 

The Fall Song Festival is Portland FolkMusic Society’s annual on-line worldwide event, starts today, Friday October 20 and continues until Sunday October 22, 2023.

Fall Song is a place to enjoy the best of traditional folk music from many different traditions - because they come from your traditions. FallSong is proud to be a platform where people like you can lead events that entertain, educate, and bring out the best music from the other participants. We are participant-led, through and through. 

Of course, we are planning a few enrichments to make FallSong even more fun and engaging, and we'll be telling you about them as we go along. But our vision for FallSong comes from other large events we have put on. Last year, we got a lot of accolades, and some very good ideas about how to program the time better. We are totally taking your input into account. We think this will be a great event, thanks to you.

FallSong is free, and will take place on Zoom. It will feature workshops, mini-concerts and lots of song circles, and a convenient link to big group sings in the evenings. 

Click to register for FallSong23.

Shortly after you register, Zoom will send you the link. That's all there is to it!

Schedule and Event Descriptions

We are pleased to be able to share the schedule for FallSong with you. See directly below.

These are not final and there will be changes. The most current version will always be available on this page. Thanks for your understanding.

Here are some events of particular interest:

  • Friday and Sunday, we will open with a land acknowledgement; please come to that if you can.
  • Tom May, who was a friend of Gordon Lightfoot and toured with him, will share his memories of Gordon and sing some of his songs (which he sings wonderfully). Tom will reserve some time for participants to share and hopefully cover some songs themselves.
  • Friday, some of the PFS board have agreed to give us a short concert. The five members who are singing - Alana McKenzie, David Ingerson, Arietta Ward, Dave Orleans, and our host, Ken Gaines - represent different traditions, but they're all good! This will be fun.
  • Sunday morning, we have a sing around, especially but not exclusively for our friends across the Atlantic. They have patiently put up with our evening events which are really inconvenient for people in time zones 8 and 9 hours later - but they have come anyway. We have a dozen people registered already from Europe and the UK, and we hope more will come, and of course, EVERYONE is welcome!
  • Saturday night, we will shut down FallSong at 5, and open the Virtual Song Circle room at 6. It goes without saying that the VSC doors are open to all.

Download the FallSong Schedule


Click to download the Schedule for the three days of FallSong. This was last updated on Thursday Oct 19, at 5:45 PM. Be sure to use the most current version of the schedule to plan your weekend. This may be the final version, but maybe not. Check back to see if there were changes.


This lists the events, times, rooms, and the people presenting them. This is close to the final version of the schedule, and when there are changes,  we will post the most current version, which will have the date of posting on it, and we will update the date of posting here.


The schedule shows the events day by day and hour by hour and gives only the day, time, title, room and host.

Download the FallSong Session Descriptions

Click to download the most current version of the FallSong session descriptions

This contains the same information as the schedule but presented differently as a chronological list. It contains a description of the events in addition to the information that is on the schedule.
This was last updated onThursday Oct 19, at 5:45 PM. Be sure to use the most current version of the schedule to plan your weekend. This may be the final version, but maybe not. Check back to see if there are changes.

If you are an event leader and would like to update or correct the information we have given, please send us an email right away.


Click here to register for FallSong 23

Registration is quick and painless. Thanks!

Questions? Ideas? Comments? Let us know. 

Contribute & Join

FallSong is free. We aren't paying any performers, and we are run by volunteers. However, keeping PFS healthy isn't free! We have continuing expenses for our legal registration, web services, insurance, printing and other things. And we have new ideas that will require some funds to carry out.

Would you like to help keep us going? Here are two ways: contribute whatever you can, or join PFS. Both help us stay strong as we move forward. Thank you!

 Contribute    Join PFS

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