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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.

Your contribution here will be used wherever PFS most needs the funds. If you choose this category, we will know that a FallSong participant contributed, and that will make the FallSong team smile. Thank you!

The General Fund supports the operations of PFS - maintaining our legal registrations, website hosting, printing the newsletter, website costs, bookkeeping, bank fees, postal expenses, insurance, and other costs.


PFS donations made in tribute of others. Tributes will appear on the PFS Website (for six months) and in the upcoming edition of Local Lore.

o  In Honor of:

o  In Memory of:

o  In Gratitude to:

o  In Recognition of:

o  Thanks to:

To provide support for developing and operating new PFS events.

PFS provides organizational-level sponsorship opportunities. For more details, look at "Sponsors" under the "Our Community" tab.

Endowment Fund

The PFS Endowment Fund was established to create a permanent fund that will generate annual distributions, typically 4%-5% of assets. The annual distributions are to be spent as the Board of Directors at that time decides in accordance with our Mission Statement.

Endowment Fund Reading

- PFS Endowment Policy  View 

- PFS Endowment Fund Announcement - Local Lore (March/April 2021)  View  

- Why Create an Endowment Fund?  - Local Lore (May/June 2021)  View

Endowment Recognition

- Endowment Founders  View

US$6,700.00 received toward our goal of US$25,000.00

The Capital Fund is used for the purchase and acquisition of major assets for the Portland FolkMusic Society. Our long term goal is to have a location where archives and meetings can be held, and potentially concerts and Song Circles as well.


Supports the PFS concert series, as it reaches out to better known artists across the country.


Makes it financially possible for people to attend our annual Singtime Frolics festival.

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