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PFS Virtual Songwriters Spotlight

Date and Time

Sunday, December 8, 2024, 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM


via Zoom


Virtual Event

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

The Virtual Songwriters Spotlight will take place online on the second Sunday of each month, so the first get together will be Sunday December 8, 2024. Zoom will open by 6:15 pm and we'll start singing at 6:30 pm. You do not have to be a PFS member to join. No fee, and first come, first sing.

We will just go around and sing songs we have written. We'll start with the usual expectations around limited chatter, no pre-recorded anything, everyone welcome, numbering participants by order of arrival, welcoming any genre of music, free, and being nice kind people.

All we'll do is share our original tunes and enjoy other songwriters' unique creations. Feedback on songs may be welcome - it's up to the singer - but it will take place in private chat only. The VSS will be hosted by Sonya Kazen, Ken Gaines, and Paul Rippey. And maybe you - we'll be looking for additional hosts!
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