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Intro to Songwriting

Date and Time

Thursday, May 2, 2024, 7:40 PM until 8:45 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Southminster Presbyterian Church
To register:
12250 SW Denney Road
Beaverton, OR  97008


Class, lesson

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Intro to Songwriting, led by Avery Hill, will orient yous to how songs are constructed, generally, and to offer you the opportunity to try out different approaches to it, $120 for six classes.

These classes meet live, in person, in Beaverton OR. Each class will build from week to week, so it's important folks sign up for the full 6-week session.

A self-paced course (materials only) is available for $60.

For more information and to register visit: (a link is provided).

NOTE: No class on May 23.

Avery Hill has been teaching music since 2013, and is a staple instructor of the Portland (OR) ‘ukulele community. Over the years, she has run her own studio of ?ukulele classes and workshops, and is a regular instructor at the Menucha Ukulele Band Camp. More recently, she has maintained a YouTube channel for ?ukulele tutorials and has begun teaching songwriting, including at the Songwriter Soireé Retreat. Whatever the classroom, Avery strives to educate everyone’s inner musician, to elevate their self-knowledge and confidence, and to enchant them with insight, presence, and a handful of good jokes. Learn more at
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