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HomeEvents1st Friday Ceili Mor

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1st Friday Ceili Mor

Date and Time

Friday, November 1, 2019, 7:30 PM until 11:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Winona Grange #271
For tickets:
8340 SW Seneca Street
Tualatin, OR  97062



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Live music, dances are taught and cued as we enjoy the evening, 8-11 pm (doors open at 7:30, wee lesson at 7:45), First Friday Ceili, $10 advance/$15 door, no experience or partner necessary, 13 years or older.

Feb 7 (Fri): Kate and the Lads (Kate Vezin, Erik Killops, Richie Rosencrans and Baron Collins-Hill)
Mar 7 (Fri): BEE side ceili band
May 2 (Fri): DREOS
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