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HomeEventsSinging for the Vocally Challenged

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Singing for the Vocally Challenged

Date and Time

Monday, April 13, 2020, 12:00 PM until 12:50 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Courtyard at Mount Tabor in the Hood Wing
To register:
6211 SE Division
Portland, OR  97206


Class, lesson

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

All welcome! Led by Anne Weiss, this class will help you sing better in a non-judgmental, fun environment, $160 for seven weeks or $30 drop-in. Register at the Artichoke Music website using the link below.

We’ll work on breath support, basic techniques, how to hear and stay in pitch, hold a melody (and even a little harmony), and learn your range, using easy songs and styles from around the world.
Questions: anneweissmusic(*at*) or 914-924-2574.

Consider taking this class along with Harmony Singing at a discounted rate of $275 for both!
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