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HomeEvents PCDC English Country Dance

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PCDC English Country Dance

About this event

Modern English country dance for all, Dancing starts at 7:30. Show up early to check in. Newcomers are always welcome. We waive the admission fee the first time you attend. An introductory session is available at 7:15 upon request. Admission: $7-$20 sliding scale.

No street shoes permitted beyond entryway. Only clean soled shoes permitted on the dance floor. No partner required.

We welcome people who respect our expressed dance-community values and code of conduct without regard for age, race, color, national origin, religion, gender expression, sexual orientation, or ability.

Jan 17: caller Lindsay Dono with Erik Weberg, George Penk, Heather Pinney
Jan 24: caller Laura Hatch with Sue Songer, Erik Weberg, Lori Schaffer
Jan 31: caller Cynthia Stenger with Laura Kuhlman, Leslie Hirsch, Lisa Scott
Feb 7: caller Ric Goldman with Ron Dann, Lisa Scott, Brooke Bubna
Feb 14: caller Cynthia Stenger with Laura Kuhlman, Bill Tomczak, Mark Douglass
Feb 21: caller Laura Hatch with Erika Liebert, Lisa Scott, George Penk
Feb 28: callers Dilip Sequeira and Rachel Pusey with Laura Kuhlman, Leslie Hirsch, Lisa Scott
Mar 7: caller Ric Goldman with Laura Kuhlman, Bill Tomczak, Mark Douglass
Mar 14: caller David Macemon with Carl Thor, Leslie Hirsch, Alison Saichek, Norman Farrell
Mar 21: caller Margaret Bary with Betsy Branch, Laura Kuhlman, Bill Tomczak, Jenny Peterson
Mar 28: caller Lindsey Dono with Erica Liebert, Carl Thor, Norman Farrell, Landon Kuhn
Apr 4: caller David Macemon with Erik Weberg, George Penk, Heather Pinney

Mask Policy:
PCDC has authorized committees to make decisions about masking policies for their own events. All dances are mask-optional at this time. Check the upcoming dances information to verify status of a dance.

COVID Policy:
PCDC no longer requires proof of vaccination, but we continue to encourage everyone to be vaccinated.

Date and Time

Friday, September 27, 2019, 7:30 PM until 10:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall
PCDC website
8936 SW 17th Ave.
Portland, OR  97219



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
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