Our Saturday night series at Fulton Hall continues!
7 pm newcomer/refresher lesson, 7:30-10:30 pm dance, $6-20 sliding scale, cash or check.
All contra dances through August will be mask-optional.
Aug 24 (Sat): caller Penelope Weinberger [Washington, DC]
Sep 28 (Sat): caller Richard Barnes, music by The Overtones [Corvallis]
We welcome people who respect our expressed dance-community values and code of conduct without regard for age, race, color, national origin, religion, gender expression, sexual orientation, or ability.
Mask Policy:
PCDC has authorized committees to make decisions about masking policies for their own events. All contra dances are mask-optional at this time.
COVID Policy:
PCDC no longer requires proof of vaccination, but we continue to encourage everyone to be vaccinated. While currently available COVID-19 vaccines no longer do much to prevent transmission, they continue to be effective for protecting oneself from more serious illness.