To submit material to Local Lore
If you have material you would like published in Local Lore or an idea you’d like to pitch? Please submit it for consideration to Please send material as a .txt or .rtf document, or as the body copy in an email. Images should be sent as attachments. Do not format text, as the formatting will be lost when it is pulled into the graphics program. Photos should be sent as hi-res JPGs. Questions? Contact
Please be sure that you have written permission to use any material you submit. Material taken from another website should credit the source, for example, “Information in this article is from ________, and used with permission”. For original writing, please include your by-line.
Basic Advertising Rates
$20 for one-eighth page [3.5”w x 2.5”h] ($80 for one year— six issues)
$35 for quarter page [3.5”w x 5”h] ($140 for one year— six issues)
$60 for half page [7.5”w x 5”h]
($200 for one year— six issues)
$100 for full page [7.5”w x 10”h]
($400 for one year— six issues)
Advertisers, please send print-ready greyscale pdf’s to LocalLore@PortlandFolkMusic.orgg.
Business Members:
Business Members can take 10% off listed advertising rates for their ads in Local Lore.
Payment Method
Payment is due in full 30 days from date of completed ad submission.
Please send a check, payable to:
Portland FolkMusic Society
Send payment to:
Portland FolkMusic Society
PO Box 1448
Portland, OR 97207-14485
Attn: Treasurer