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HomeEventsShowtime Concert Series: Nate Botsford

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Showtime Concert Series: Nate Botsford

Date and Time

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Shute Park
Showtime Concert Series
750 SE 8th Ave
Hillsboro, OR  97123



Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

Come join us for our annual summer Showtime Concert series! Enjoy free live music every Thursday for six weeks during the months of June and July (no concert on July 4th). Bring a chair or blanket to sit back and enjoy the music. Make sure to check out our rotating lineup of food trucks on site, or feel free to bring your own food

Popular Northwest based artist Nate Botsford’s country rock hybrid style is a lifetime in the making. His career has seen up to 300 shows a year for the last five years: from coffeehouses to mainstages, Nate has pleased audiences with his feel-good tunes and relatable lyrics.

Showtime is Hillsboro's longest running outdoor concert series and has provided the Hillsboro community with free, family-friendly entertainment for more than 30 years.

Full Schedule of Showtime Concerts:
6/13 - Nate Botsford (Country)
6/20 - Art Abrams Swing Machine (Swing)
6/27 - Norman Sylvester (R&B)
7/11 - Hit Machine (90's/00's dance hits)
7/18 - A Cara O Cruz (Cumbia)
7/25 - Barracuda-The Essential Tribute to Heart (80's tribute)
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