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PFS Workshop: The Power of Contrast
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About this event
Songwriting workshop led by Ken Gaines sponsored by the Portland FolkMusic Society (PFS). This workshop is part of a group of four in-depth songwriting sessions for a discounted fee of $165 plus a processing fee of 4.97 (a total of 169.97). The fee for each individual workshop is $45.00 plus a $1.92 processing fee to cover bank charges (a total of $46.92).
Each session is 2.5 to 3 hrs long. Attendees must bring their instruments, paper, and something to write with.
March 10 - Session 1: "A Place to Start" Most of us involved in writing have "great ideas" about the songs we'd like to write but just can't seem to get started. This workshop is especially helpful for those just beginning to write their own songs.
March 24 - Session 2: "Opening Lines" One the most important aspects of writing songs is establishing the listener's interest at the very beginning of the song, both musically and lyrically. This workshop will explore a bit of both. Then participants will work on one of more solutions of their own and present them during the latter part of the class.
April 7 - Session 3: "How to Get Out of Your Beautiful Rut" After a while we all tend to write the same type of song and while they may be successful, they become our "beautiful rut." This seminar/workshop takes the participants back to the basic music elements of songwriting and teaches a structured approach, bringing variety into newer songs - an approach that will last a lifetime of writing.
April 21 - Session 4: "The Power of Contrast" What would light be without shades of darkness or the dark without the light? This workshop makes participants aware of and learn how to build power and contrast into both individual songs and an entire body of work, and provides ways to present those songs in performance.
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